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What Are The 3 Types Of Energy Systems?

What are the types of energy systems?

Welcome back Firebreathers, it’s good to be back.

I think this is my 15th episode of this podcast which is pretty good if I don’t say so myself.

So today we’re going to be talking about your energy--my favourite topic.

Sounds so simple, but me & you both know that in real life, it's never that easy.

You see your energy is actually broken up in 3 different metabolic pathways, & understanding them makes all the difference in your MetCons & CrossFit WODs.

The ATP-PC energy pathway is primarily used for short bursts of energy, and is also known as anaerobic endurance.

You see to understand this pathway, you have to understand that ATP is what our body runs on.

America might run on Dunkin, but your body runs on ATP.

If it doesn’t get a continuous supply of ATP, you’re pretty much dead as a horse.

What’s so special about the ATP-PC system, with the PC standing for phosphate-creatine, is that it doesn’t require oxygen to function.

When faced with short, high intensity activities the body gets energy from the very small amounts of stored ATP.

But the cool thing is, when it runs out of that stored ATP, it reaches into the pockets of phosphocreatine (a chemical found in the body)

The ATP-PC energy system is so important because it’s the kind you need for sprints or explosive movements such as snatches. Very important because it fuels muscle contractions,

meaning it helps build muscle & stops muscle loss.

The glycolytic system is also known as the lactic acid system and here’s why.

Well the name says it all.

The way this system produces energy is through the muscle glycogen, where glucose is stored.

While the ATP-PC system doesn’t need oxygen to work, this system kinda does.


Because if there’s no oxygen present, it transforms that glucose into lactic acid.

And lactic acid becomes especially dangerous in your WODs as it leads to inflammation.

And inflammation to leads to sore muscles.

And sore muscles leads to a lack of energy, meaning all your hard work will be gone to waste.

Now oxidative or aerobic energy is the one that's most focused on. It's needed for longer durations of intense exercise, and if you don't improve,

you'll see your energy dip like no tomorrow. Making you lose any kind of results you worked so hard for, pushing you back down to ground zero.

It’s also the system that provides your body with the most amount of ATP.

If you remembered anything from your Grade 10 biology class, what happens is that when there is oxygen that’s present, it kicks of the Kreb’s cycle, which acts like a power plant in your body.

Though it is slower to act than the ATP-PC system.

But it provides a lot of energy for activities that require more endurance.

Such as those 800m runs or doing a murph.

Wow what’s really incredible is that these 3 systems don’t work separately from each other.

They all operate at the same time because they create ATP and if you don’t create it, you die.

It’s just in some activities, some energy systems are more required than others.

Now if you really want to get the most out of every energy system and the most out of your life,

I have just what you need.

It’s my latest supplement SUNFIRE and it’s going to help you become the unstoppable you.

All-natural, sugar-free and Paleo-friendly.

SUNFIRE was made for CrossFit beginners & driven athletes so they can power through the toughest WODs and Metcons with incredible energy.

Without crashing halfway through their workout.

Head over to right now to get your bottle today!

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